Community Guidelines
Here at Wonder Women, we want everyone to feel seen, heard and valued which is why our member site, online community hub and WhatsApp groups are uniquely positive spaces. With so much turbulence happening in the world, it’s important to us that Wonder Women remains a safe space where all members can connect, share and collaborate in a positive and respectful environment. Thank-you for abiding by our community guidelines and for protecting the collective wellbeing of our community in our shared spaces.
1. Spread joy – post positive & inspiring content only.
2. Share job opportunities – Keep content work/industry related.
3. Treat others online as you would like to be treated in real life.
4. Keep conversations professional – The Community Hub is an online safe space that brings creative working women together to enhance each member’s career prospects. Please treat each other respectfully and keep conversations professional.
5. Respect the privacy and personal information of other members – Do not screenshot conversations or share information with others that has been shared with you in confidence.
6. Communicate with kindness and respect – All opinions are unique and valued here but please consider how what you say, may impact the feelings of others.
7. Protect Wonder Women’s Intellectual Property– We have worked tirelessly to create the members site and the educational content in the Community Hub. Do not share log-in details or passwords with non-members and do not use AI software to download any of the content in respect of the work and creativity that has gone into creating the Wonder Women Members space. We take piracy very seriously and legal action will be taken if members are found to be attempting to copy, download or transcribe any of Wonder Women’s IP.
8. Honour people’s boundaries and personal time. Don’t send messages in the mentee or mentor WhatsApp groups outside of the hours 8am-9pm.
9. Failure to comply with the above points will result in your access to the Wonder Women Community and WhatsApp group being revoked.